Sunday, November 9, 2008

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure For PSP

Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure For PSP

Advantages: Adorable outfits

Disadvantages: many load screens

Art style is one thing that makes the game so captivating. Consider the characters with small and large organizations and prominent eyes that they want their outrageous expression. Now add some color clear, strangely proportioned structure and looks delectable sweets. Finally, throw in a mad dash for personality traits - a pattern that merry dance for the reconstruction of morality or another that the cultural characteristics of the sombrero, cap or hat is down - and you begin to understand the charm of sympathy TM.

You play as Parin, a girl who befriends the inhabitants of the village monster. When the village was ransacked and the samples were kidnapped, that your job is, in the jail in prison after saving them all. In a game so focused on presentation, but it would not be surprising if the lack of gameplay very splendor. However, although the pixels charming and funny characters are winning points and sympathy TM, is on solid gameplay.

Levels are diverse - your way through forests, ruins, caves, and more - and has a lot of moves to resume the fighting varied. For the largest part, this is a typical action RPG food: hidden treasure chests, secret areas, platforms, the boss is fighting puzzle, and several mini-games, but there are several levels who thinks that they are really fun and unique. One possible problem is that the game is May seem too easy in the beginning, but it has up to five ways difficulties, and the last couple - who must be unlocked - are pretty crazy.

One of the perks of this game is the diversity of Hats and outfits you can get. Parin cute monkey in a suit (complete with monkey ears!), Or a schoolgirl outfit, or Goth Vampire disguise ... those who enjoy the dress-up, worth beating the game on any difficulty only to unlock them all. Up-drift can go into sugar shock, but if you enjoy light-hearted action RPGs, you'll probably love with sympathy .

Summary: great to play

Content Source: Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure For PSP -

Gunpey For PSP

Gunpey For PSP

Advantages: addicting

Disadvantages: Not enough variety

At first it seems like game consists of little more than a rush to swap pieces to the highest stranded tiles in an attempt to disappear before they reach the top of the screen and at the end of the game, but you'll quickly discover that the art of the progress and the proceeds on an almost subconscious level. It appears that you've got, the more you play better, even if not actively looking for patterns and strategic initiatives to unlock the true pleasures in Gunpey. After you commit to the experience, but you'll find the corn itself around primitive, obsessive core of your brain and will not let go. Only ... a ... more ... line. Sure, buddy. You can stop whenever you want.

What that Gunpey is a new puzzle true classic, despite all the Lumines as a decoration Discounts to unlock the skin, and music ranging line-effects that breaking the basic experience does not lend itself to much diversity. There are "original" and "pause" policy that determine whether the tiles fall over the lines have been destroyed or not, but that's only substantive change on tap. In fact, the only real gameplay difference between the skin and the other is the rate at which the rising tide and tiles.

No time fringed come in 60 tests, 90, 180 and other flavors. The default mode challenge to unlock the skin as you progress, which can then be used in standard mode with a double skin and skin way that challenges you face with two slabs, tiles at once. There is also enormous sign that your 10x10 inch garret left a heck of a job. The problem is, there is nothing here that is different in the convoluted strategies, you'll discover, even when playing a friend of the Ad-Hoc Wi-Fi connection.

Disappointment because of the lack of progress invention side, Gunpey is intellectually fun and interesting exercise for the brain and the equal sign. If you're sick of falling blocks, or just need a new challenge to turn around the gray matter, let him try.

Summary: worth to buy

Content Source: Gunpey For PSP -

Gun: Showdown For PSP

Gun: Showdown For PSP

Advantages: Incredible story

Disadvantages: no omline gameplay

story and style are worth about as much as a horse with three legs if they do not have the game to support them. Fortunately Showdown Hits usually my goal in this department. Buoyed by the death of treatment arsenal of revolvers, rifles and shotguns, the gun slinging Showdown is satisfyingly fast and furious. Add to this the ability to throw knives, bombs and dynamite whiskey, and you will discover that deliver enough blood-spilling bang for your buck. "Quick Draw" mode - Gun's "bullet time" as a mechanic - also makes the jump to the PSP, providing on-the-go gunfighters same compelling battles as the console version.

If you do not fill out the enemies full of water, can seat up for some of the best - and most realistic - riding on a hand-held or console. In fact Showdown actually console-up his cousin here, giving several players a horse to call their own country. The original cannon missed the whole man and his horse loyalty thing and forcrd gamers to connect different mounts, such as pimped in the Pontiac Grand Theft Auto game.

The original weapons convicted for their short length, and Showdown Is there a nifty job of the flood package with additional content that is not just tacked on recruitment. Six, PSP-friendly "Quick Play" games offer a variety of shooting and hunting challenges of the perfect pick-up and play sessions. And these three ad hoc multiplayer modes - Deathmatch, Golden Cross and Poker - Plug-ins are welcome, although no infrastructure / online compatible.

As a port, stumbles Showdown in some areas - in a single-sticked PSP offers the usual headache control and graphics take a small hit. The additional content, excellent primary campaign and action-driven gameplay more than make up. Whether you're saddled with previous versions of Gun, or this is your first band to the six-shooters, this title is not to be missed, because it places under-represented genre as well as other games.

Summary: great to play

Content Source: Gun: Showdown For PSP -

Ghost Rider For PSP

Ghost Rider For PSP

Advantages: Challenge Mode

Disadvantages: boring

The PSP version is a completely new race divisions in relation to the PS2 version, called Challenge Mode. As you select a character (Johnny Blaze, Classic or film Ghost Rider, or even Marvel vampire-hunter Blade). Marvel traces of the pillars, such as the daily bugle and a basement prison are available. So the death race with a bike on a bicycle and random melee combat weapon pick-up in the style of Mario Kart.

These range from the obvious (a flaming shooty things) that it was brilliant - "confusion", for example, that POPs screen and force you in the race upside down. Compared with the rest of the game this is a good time, especially due Challenge mode is playable with four people over Wi-Fi. Just as a straight-up racing is also eliminator - Last place for ditched her lap - and Survivor timed expansion of checkpoints - that different things.

PSP is a strange version of Ghost Rider actually little more than his colleagues PS2. The story is the way all present and correct, and even in some way improved. Complex end-of-level ratings is gone, replaced by the challenging targets for the time required, souls gathered and other tests (given a certain number of kills wrestling, and off zloduhe to its work, etc.). It also seems easier to win and maintain their skills during the Battle of the normal level of play, so it is protected against enemy is less frustrating.

Fortunately, there is some respite from fighting during a bike-riding levels. Again, there is no groundbreaking, nothing happens here, but the mix of combat troops - shooting and hand to hand - a simple and obstacles - jump, slide under - just fun. Of course that is nowhere near enough to stop the Ghost Rider is a fully licensed forget table-game experience. Along with the high reputation thanks to the release of the film, that the money game just to play and personable on the basic level. But that's it gives us. Disappointing.

Summary: not too bad

Content Source: Ghost Rider For PSP -

Full Auto 2: Battlelines For PSP

Full Auto 2: Battlelines For PSP

Advantages: Weapon pick-ups

Disadvantages: Arena boss battles

Cars like to send a Radio Flyer - how not to turn your central pivot axle vehicles. A (alleged) quickly turn up the wrong prescription: instead of whether rocketing ahead and open the can of whup ass, it gives you veolcity slight uptick tons, adding that the "butt looks like a" sauce.

This is not so much a problem as you might think, because there is no real race in every aspect of the case. You can come to a complete stop and age of your opponents will wait for you. more about the destruction. In light of that, limiting most of the game on closed paths (in contrast to the open Arenas) seemed a strange choice, while we have experienced combat arena - and realized that it does not work well with all the names put on brakes and radar limitations.

Battle Lines fast the game is very little substance during a frenzied massacre assembly, a screaming guitar under a bed. Explosion? Sure. But a harsh assessment of the telephone pole and storefront fruits are the result of the same nonsense of a polygonal shrapnel. Physics and thrown into the wind, and the head will lead to the collision sent the car. In combination with a loose steering mechanic, it will not take long for the random destruction of the yawn inducing. A potential to lay waste to the objects in the environment is lost, because it translates into more of an obstacle to any of the opponent. Now, because what comprises the majority of their goals, more than what it looks like a real race.

Full Auto 2: Battle Lines is about as subtle as a commercial wave, as well as unpleasant (for comparison, because all cars seem to be named for a drink failed energy). The best thing for this extremely violent pound the pavement epically bad fat from the superfluous story, about revolutionaries who participate in Velocity Death battles (VDBs, biatch!) During confuse forecast predicts a machine hell-bent on controlling the human race. This makes Twisted Metal look like Shakespeare canon.

Summary: not too bad

Content Source: Full Auto 2: Battlelines For PSP -

Family Guy For PSP

Family Guy For PSP

Advantages: Funny cameos

Disadvantages: Lots of recycled comedy

As a result of these various instruments, Family Guy is actually three games in one. Peter kicks erratically through everything in sight, Brian sneak past the screen after screen of the police, and Stewie lasers and mind-control of his way to victory.

Unfortunately, only the last of these is a pleasant and non-sequitur mini-games hardly qualify as such. Peter May be fun to watch as he switches pickup, soul brother, a standard costume, but it was not fun. The attack animations, such as a typical stupid attempt to jump-kicking, are satisfyingly funny, but this kind of inconsiderate fighting not only cut more senfa.

In the meantime, Brian stealth missions are infinitely more maddening, requiring rote refrain from any area. Venture past obstacles, moving, start from scratch. Faster than later, start again. It has a nice Gags sprinkled on the road, and Brian Thursday in several disguises, but so far has quietly in the shade to sneak out of the shadows, but that it again and again outweighs the pleasure.

Leave it to Stewie save the day. Peter could only punch, kick and jump, and Brian can only move around with a hood over his head, but can double Stewie jumping, floating suspended from helium balloons temperature, struggling for out-of-the-way places, control of the human spirit, and rebound expandable Blaster fire. While the other two characters left with a tired-Note gameplay, Stewie makes the world court. Moreover, its segments are simply the funniest, from rocket-born of a woman in a hospital room great gameplay homages to classic arcade centipede and Galaga.

For what is worth the look and feel of quahog bizarre and its inhabitants was captured by simplistic, but attractive graphics, and offers all the show's cast votes. The only difference between the PSP version of the console and aggravating its proclivity for intermittent problems with audio and hobbled frame rate.

Along with such a drastic difference in features and entertainment value between Stewie and the rest of his family, one wonders why not just his game. In its current form, you'll have to play through quite annoying nonsense, simply go to the good stuff and that is simply not worth it. Even the most hardcore Family Guy fans feel betrayed by something more than a weekend rental.

Summary: not too bad

Content Source: Family Guy For PSP -

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire For Game Cube

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire For Game Cube

Advantages: Appealing visual presentation

Disadvantages: Boring gameplay

As I am a fan of the movie ... its not make me shock to find that game Sincerely bound to the book and film. By the way players control Harry, Hermione and Ron. All three are usually in a moment on the screen, but there are no pieces of a swap between characters. Non-player characters are usually competently by the computer, which excited and the attack could be aimed at providing help spell casting. During the tournament in AI support, as well as Harry must face this situation alone.

I think the spell casting is purely context-sensitive. Press the button for six, the other for charm, and the game will decide who to select games. This reduces a routine action adventure game, where you simply browse one room to another, pressing the same button over and over to defeat monsters that never intimidating. There are some simple puzzles to win. And EA is clearly designed to play only offer a fundamental challenge for the widest possible audience.

In my opinion Goblet of Fire looks great, thanks to the environments that faithfully replicate the movie. And the character models look great, they are simply the best in the series. But this is a little relevance, if anything interesting to do. A frequent sound clips and urged dialogue to bear thin, long before the tournament and starts. If EA can get hot Rawling and trust the public to respond to the challenge and there can be a wonderful adventure game for Harry Potter to see, but it certainly is not the case.

Summary: ven this is another average game, for filmfans still worth to buy

Content Source: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire For Game Cube -

B-Boy For PSP

B-Boy For PSP

Advantages: great music soundtrack

Disadvantages: repetitive

After playing this game for several time this my personal review about this game

Gameplay 6.5
This game presents a single-player gameplay and multiplayer. In singles play it, gamers will be faced with a career mode with the name of Livin 'Da Life. You will create your character and given the name "Custom" (Why cannot give the name for myself?). You can make up the characters you with a variety of ornamentals and a limited one. You can see if other characters have the appearance of more than okay. But? Characters you like it too simple

Once you design a character, you will start the story you as a candidate b-boy legend. In this game you will not be roving the streets the city to find other characters to defeated. You can access the wardrobe, PC (to check e-mail from the characters NPC), to try new moves that you can from which characters you defeated. Various movement break that you find in normal yea, from the top of rock, rock down, to a variety of power moves such as the windmill, swipe Flare or you can find in this game.

Control in this game is simple enough. As the music game that emphasizes the key adjust according meter, here you are required to press the button LR accordance with the rhythm and structure of various motion-b-boy movement to generate the highest value. For you who like playing games with similar gameplay, this game likely will not be difficult for you . In addition to a career mode, gamers can also try Arcade mode. In this mode you can try to fashion a number of characters to against the CPU.

Graphic 6
Graphic quality of this game looks standard size for PSP games. The appearance of the characters ala measure still can not fill this game with the same color as the b-boy street. Environment shown in this game is quite okay, although still less in the details. However, quite a number of significant loading seem to give a minus value at the time to play this game.

Sound 7.3
The sound quality? Because this game is a game that use music as one of the main strengths, the game is quite a plus in terms of sound. Music shown here generally show the flow of Reggae and pop. Songs such as the be-normal by the Black Eyed Peas, Cypress Hill, to BT Express is a dish that you can listen to play at this game.

Longevity & multiplayer 6.2
Seen from its longevity, the game is still not enough to make gamers like to play in this game for a long time. However, the longer you play, you will be more open about the move and also the new music. Gameplay is quite repetitive likely feel quite boring for gamers who are not so interested in breakdance. If you feel bored, maybe you can try the multiplayer mode for this game you play with other gamers. Multiplayer games can be played for 2 to 4 people with some fashion that can diperlombakan. Still feel bored, too? It seems the game is not the game you make the appropriate means ...

Overalls 7
The idea is brilliant enough to introduce the gamer to breakdance. Obviously, you like in the break-loved watching people loved or-break can be welcomed by both these games, as well as my own. Unfortunately, this game still has not been presented with optimal enough. Gameplay is a bit too repetitive and boring does not seem to be able to make gamers seated like to play this game more than one-an-hour.

Summary: great game for break dance fans or even you are not

Content Source: B-Boy For PSP -

We Love Golf For Wii

We Love Golf For Wii

Advantages: cool and unique character

Disadvantages: poor control and impact in gameplay

this is my personal review after playing this game for several days..

Gameplay 6.9
Gameplay of the game is quite interesting and varied. This game mode tournament with 9 or 18 holes that you always find a game of golf in general. Rules and their terms are familiar from this sport you can find in this game. You can still pursue the same, minus the score with a birdie produce, eagle, Albatross or holes in one. Options presented course still filled with obstacles that often you get on the golf course usually, such as bunkers, water Hazard, the influence of wind, to a man In addition to the tournament, you can also play various mini-games that attract you to play here, ranging from pins Contests, target golf, ring Shot Soccer, we are creating stroke, to other modes. With play and win various trophies and the match, you will open a number of new unlockable. The interest from this game, you can find a number of Capcom Cosplay Outfits for the characters that have been available. So, do not be surprised if you find Apollo Justice, Ryu, Chun Li, Jill Valentine, Morrigan, and a number of other Capcom character costumes.
The level of difficulty is said to be quite standard. As the actual play golf, the opponent you are here you own self. So, Visions of your self control, then. Options course also is not too difficult. Control of this game is quite standard, is similar to the Wii Golf. So, will not be difficult for you that I familiar with Wii Sports. I make that quite a bit disappointed, control and impact wallop you in the game is still often feels less precise and less realistic. In golf game usually, if you pass the ball at the top of the thin holes, there should be impact affect the movement of the ball you are due to the texture of grass or such. However, this is not my taste of this game. The only ball that moves too fast or slow, which is only affected by the wallop you, and the influence of the slope of the land.

Graphic 6.8
Graphic quality of this game? Countless good size for Wii games. Although not yet fully can be okay as the next-gen gaming, but at least this game is quite graphic, which provides good enough. The interesting nuance and animation, plus additional costumes with various characters from the typical Capcom it entertaining enough to be seen and played. So, you will find the characters that of course is legendary from Capcom. Start from Ryu, Ken and Chun Li from Street Fighter, Darkstalkers of Morrigan, Apollo Justice from Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Jill Valentine from Resident Evil, Arthur from Ghost 'n Goblins, until Zack of Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure can appear as a character outfit you in this game. Obviously you will be entertaining for the hobby gaming from Capcom. Had I outfit from Dante or Nero also included, of course this game will be more steps again. 3D graphics also make clear graphics look better this game. How about the camera? Good enough, you simply press the button d-pad on the Wii-Mote to see a course from another angle.

Sound 6
The sound quality of the game is still the standard. No special or entertaining enough options besides the standard BGM average relaxed enough to be able to bring you into the golf game. However, SFX, which is presented to this game can be quite catchy and appropriate. You certainly want to play golf games because of gameplay, and not because the music, huh?

Multiplayer 7
Multiplayer can be the mainstay of this game. Game mode that is presented to include up to four players. You can play together with friends or with other gamers using the online features. Obviously this will provide more value to you that I do hobby-do. Are you a whiz enough to face with the other golfers?

My opinion 7
Games is enough to recommended for you who like casual gaming in the Nintendo Wii. Gameplay is light and relaxed course will fascinate you to play, either alone or in leisure time together with friends. Unfortunately, the gameplay is still not perfect enough with the control and impact that are less precise. This is quite enough to make my morning during the putt. Even if I had the power I estimate I quite accurate with the standard shown in the power meters, but the fact remains it is not accurate. Overall, gameplay is entertaining enough to play, especially if supported by the online features.
One is of course also quite interesting is the presence of a number of typical outfit characters Capcom. Quite unique to see the characters you golfers off with a view similar to the characters. Capcom own party had entered the names of various characters as characters that you NPC opponent during the tourney. So, do not upset so you see the name Leon S. Kennedy, Albert Wesker, or even Dante and Nero. The names of the input directly from the game. Although some characters are still not available outfit it, but this is quite a unique also is known for. Perhaps the new outfit will be in We Love Golf! 2 times, is it? Well, safe sport, with the your Wii.

Summary: average game but with unique character..still worth it for me

Content Source: We Love Golf For Wii -

No More Heroes For Wii

No More Heroes For Wii

Advantages: funny characters, the cinematic battle, and the coolest moment of movement

Disadvantages: gameplay too repetitive and sometimes absurd

Lets see my review after playing this great game...

Story 8
This game about Travis Touchdown, an otaku living in a dirty motel with the name NO MORE HEROES. Youth are often playing video games and anime collection is to get a weapon like beam from the online auction, and when he does not currently have the money to buy a game, he received a bid to become HITMAN. The first target of Travis Helter Skelter, which is also known as the Drifter, and Travis make a success he is in a position 11 in the United Assassins Association, an organization Assassin. Travis finally realize that he is now a target Assassin others who also want a higher position. And finally Travis must continue to fight for the highest position in this organization.

Gameplay & Graphic 7
In this game will find 10 people Assassin other positions above you. And there are people who can arrange for you to put-off in a legitimate position in the organization Assassin. Travis also have the option to make buying and upgrading weapons, training combo, or increase stamina and health points. Maneuvers, techniques, and new moment can also be learned as Travis, so this game as a semi-RPG.
Well, the story is not so complicated. You only work for the organization fight against other men, may bid for work, and rights can create another challenging Assassin. And besides RPG elements, gameplay here there are also elements of the open world that resembles Grand Theft Auto, which can explore the city of Santa Destroy, shopping, exercise, and other stories with the base action.
Unfortunately, for almost the size of the game fell to the genre of open world, No More Heroes have many shortcomings. For example, which often framerate drop, a rare event NPC, and colors that taste rather monoton. You also often hit the wall which is not visible, because in some places you can not go forward at all. Control their own motorcycle Travis also quite busy and sometimes distressing.
But it's not all. The most distressing here is failing completed the mission, the mission is often missing from the map and can not be repeated. And sometimes there is also the mission objectives have a very difficult. There is one mission where you must fight a group alley and can not be the same at once. When mission failed the option to retry does not exist.
When you have enough money to make a put-off to reach the position, the game is so cool. Battle in this game can be similar to Final Fight or Streets of Rage, where you can control Travis to perform various movements that cool. The Battle fast and sadistic.Boss character in this game have the artistic design, with a little touch of anime, and seem strange. Often I play this game for the boss of the design and appearance is not presumed. Super strange, and I'm happy if can be defeated. Hmmm ... This could be a make No More Heroes success.

Sound 8
Music is quite okay with the style of the Retro-old school. Sound effects are also good with a mix of classic and modern. If created a CD, I would buy.

My Opinion 8.5
No More Heroes able to provide an atmosphere of contention that fast, funny characters, the cinematic battle, and the coolest moment of movement. In addition, the interface is funny cause I often laugh. Furthermore Retro-plus songs with graphic cel-shading style anime give the feel of the classic but cool. This is why No More Heroes have something other than the other. In addition, the stories that have a touch of style and anime characters, so this is very otaku give nuance No More Heroes such as reading manga. Even the mode gameplay too repetitive and sometimes absurd. This game is Cool!

Summary: COOLLL!!!

Content Source: No More Heroes For Wii -

Speed Racer: The Video game For Wii

Speed Racer: The Video game For Wii

Advantages: great tracks

Disadvantages: repetitive and boring

after watching the movie im looking for this game to play..this is my personal review...

Gameplay 6.5
The same as watching film, this game also show racing in the miraculous track. You will be racing at various unique tracks, with all kinds of obstacles. Start from the sharp corners, the acrobatic track, until the enemies are trying to hinder you a champion with a variety of ways. But, you can also use the car-fu to remove the enemies.
For example, you can skip the car and slam the enemy with your own Wii-Mote to your top. Then, your enemies can be delayed, or even out of the track. The use of the Wii-Mote as steering, used in this game. You will use the Wii-Mote shows a car wheel. Quit, but control less setirnya feel a little bit distressing because accurate set of maneuvers.
Fashion presented fairly simple and standard size for racing games, such as the Grand Prix and Time Attack. The characters presented here are still the same as the version that appears in the movie. More likely, and playable. From Speed, Racer X, Taejo, until the enemies are much less portion of the film. And the game also offers this feature in gameplay alliances. Overall, this game provides more racing, racing, and racing. So, you do not wonder if will feel repetitive.

Graphic 6.8
Nuance, which is displayed in this game is quite similar to the movie. Display tracks full of colors can be seen here. Overview of views, will feel the animated film. Framerate produced good enough. Unfortunately, the chart presented the game is still not make games for Wii and size variations of each track that can be played here have less visible characteristics. Glance, is similar tracknya dish-like and boring.

Sound 7
Sound?. BGM, which are in the game is able to make enough to bring gamers in the atmosphere like in the movie Speed Racer, a good movie, which also seriously. SFX game is also quite fit. Dialogue, dialogue in this game also represents a significant characters and the situation.

multiplayer 6
The racing game will usually feel more cool if played with friends. Same with the game-racing games in general, Speed Racer, also have a multiplayer mode to play together. Multiplayer mode is also not much different with the racing usually. So, you can prove more magnate from the other.

In My opinion 6
Rather repetitive and boring. That is my feeling when playing this game. The appearance of this game is that it is the same course. This, even though I know this racing game. However, the imaginative games like this should have a more diverse variants. For example, I can optimize the features of the Mach 5 / 6. Or offer a single mode that stand to make more than a grand prix or time Attack only. Overall, this game may be more feasible intended to die hard fans of Speed Racer.

Summary: great for Speed Racer fans

Content Source: Speed Racer: The Video game For Wii -

Excite Truck For Wii

Excite Truck For Wii

Advantages: Solid gameplay and control

Disadvantages: can be little bit boring

Ever play the Excitebike game in the NES? In that game we play as a motorcycle racer and we can also create their own circuit complete with various obstacles, bumps and sand field. This game is look same for me...

Graph 7
Have ever seen a game PGR 3 in Xbox360, or PS3 in Motorstorm? If you are, you will not interesting to see Excite Truck graph. This game Graph only at the top of the charts in the Xbox racing game. Although the track where we go dirender truck with a good, but detailed texture is low. Example effects, drop rain, Tornado (yeah, this is the game with Tornado) and so impressed minimal. Physic in this game can also be standard and far below the racing game in the PS3 or Xbox360.

Sound 7
Sound and music aspects of Excite Truck is normal, but not bad at all. Sound truck that reversed, or sinking into another truck sounds fit in the ear. Sound machine that we make roar when the turbo-jumping later tuneful (huh?). About the music, Excite Truck is not Need For Speed decorated various cool and popular songs. With songs are quite vibrant, we will not be headed to play this game.

Gameplay 9
Graphs and sound may be standard, but the gameplay Excite Truck deserve thumbs up. Made it very easy to control, rely on Wiimote. By holding the Wiimote horizontally, we just press the button 2 and go fast. To divert trucks, we just go to the left or right. Less fast? Want to turbo? just pressing the arrow keys (directional button). But don't be overheating.

Although this racing game, you need not become a champion 1 or 2 or 3 to pass to the next stage. This is the core of the game to collect as many points. Each circuit has a quota of points that must be met. If you have to meet quotas that are listed, you are considered to have been completed although the circuit is in even rank 6.
You can get points by doing a turbo-jumping, jumping combo, tricks Spin 360/720 degrees, an opponent, driving in between the trees, and others. Of course, to be in the 1 will produce a lot of points, namely 50 points (so it must still be champion 1 if you want to points as much as possible to get the score 'S', I).

What is it? Of course not. Racing in this game is very exciting and a glimpse similar to the game Burnout. Trucks that we use will fly to the scene. Turbo jumping tricks that are required if you do want to become a champion, or as much as possible. In addition, there are also various items with the usefulness of each. There are items that work to make us invulnerable and trucks can chop the trees and trucks with easy opponent. There are items that can change the form of the circuit so that our competitors will be to air it. There are items that work to activate the ring that will add to our points if we succeed truck jump into the ring (Like Sonic???).

Boring with race? Please try Challenge mode. In this mode there are 3 types of games that can be tested. The first is passing through its gates as soon as possible. The second ring to collect as much as possible. The third is the most exciting, the search and trucks beat up opponents.

However, this game also has a weakness. We drive trucks, but somehow I felt the truck is very weak. If a hita few opponents, trucks will be reversed. Hit the trees, the truck will be reversed. Even the rucks in this game that looks strong, they should be a little more respite. In addition, the mode multiplayernya will feel lonely because there was only us and our friends. No other trucks.

Longevity 7
Excite Truck complete and open all the trucks and other circuits do not take long. That will make you play this game repeatedly ambition is to reach a score of 'S' in all the circuits and open the Super Excite mode. If you are not interested in the second case, the time has come to play a new game.

My opinions 8
Draft to be good enough. Racing action also cool. With the gameplay and control of solid, Excite Truck feasible played by Wii owners. This games have weakness, but if you are open minded and want to go new things, this game will not disappointing.

Summary: great game

Content Source: Excite Truck For Wii -

Meteos For Nintendo DS

Meteos For Nintendo DS

Advantages: Great audio visual

Disadvantages: difficult to handle

Graphic (8.5 / 10)
Meteos has a view that is very smooth and attractive for a puzzle game. There is considering opening scene that impressive? Extraordinary one. I m so wonder when first seen. See also items in each of the variations in the planet met. Each unique environment of the planet and who live in it. Now, when we launched Meteos to spaceflight. The animation also occur with the fine. Objects bouncing up and ready again to the ocean off the star!

However, I rather hope that the war in the stars that actually happens is shown cutscene when a planet explode. Is not the DS dual screen is actually very fitting for it? At least cutscene will therefore far more interesting than the sound of explosion followed by a planet not a dark lives.
Moreover, a game made for Bandai. Imagine if cutscene in the Meteos has a screen on which luxury and creative like Ouendan. This will be a plus for Meteos.

Sound (9 / 10)
Ironically, this is probably the best features of Meteos. Once I turn on the DS and load ROM from Meteos, directly heard the opening song Meteos formations and spirit. Music feels similar to the Star Wars distraction with the typical style of the world's Meteos. Then select the menu on the screen out again that other music - the same situation.
Now, at the time of the game, each planet presents the theme song of their own. The more you explore the planet, the more people the opportunity to recognize the songs surrounding them.
Conversely, for the affairs of the sound effect, Meteos is quite simple. As the most visible only fall Meteos voice, the voice of rocket , and the last vote is tense when you almost defeated. Nevertheless, I feel it had the right option. The players do not need to be bothered with the rousing sound effect that can only disrupt their concentration in the face of the falling star!

Gameplay (6 / 10)
Honestly, I was first interested in Meteos was when I read that Meteos is a puzzle tercerdik in the world today. Many of they called Tetris Replacement, so I am very curious and pursue ROM. After trying?
Normal things. No one made any special about my Meteos. Gameplay seemed impressed and a little too fast. Each planet has a distinctive icon beams as I was saying. Varied? Of course. Make a headache? Very. Compare with Tetri with the faithful. Who does not memorize the forms on the Tetri, remains very adictive? Meteos does not have such a level of adictive.
Meteos main gameplay is actually simple. Try to arrange 3 beams with the same color to to the heavens. Gameplay is simple, which appears very easy to understand, but very difficult mastered. I own more often manipulate the stylus and I will get on the launching Meteos. Without my conscious, it is winning (with the stylus only motive whatever).

What I describe above is the basic gameplay from Meteos, Meteos from the main advantages is the rich variety of gameplay provided by Bandai. Bandai provide some fashion to enjoy the game Meteos; they are:
- Simple: You can play mode in the short term and long term. Rules are in your hands.
- Star Trip: Can you also mentioned a story mode, considering the place where the main mission for you to be done to the planet Meteos.
- Time War: Print possible points in the fourth set.
- Deluge: Or Endless mode because you will only end when the game is already destroying the planet meteos

Of course, you can also play this game in wireless with your friends. That, like Mario Kart DS, your friend should not have Meteos to play this game with you.
Oh, they make the roads will be curious story, told Meteos on a planet named Meteo devil. This other planet continue to destroy the planet by sending elements called Meteos (which absorb the life of the planet who attacked). But in the middle of indecision and confusion appeared Meteos save one weakness. When the three beams so Meteos join one, they are bouncing back to space. Drawing one thing is this, the planets federation unify their determination to destroy Meteo using elements Meteos. Can be? Fate of the entire galaxy in your hands.

Longetivity (6.5 / 10)
Depending on you. Meteos is not a game that takes so long. Even with space travel, and I can complete this game in less than 15 minutes. Challenging the system simple fact that this game offered. Try to select four opponents and fight completely up to 99 sets. I guarantee you can have fun for more than an hour with this mode. An interesting feature enough with the name Fusion allow you customize the elements you want to create. Thus, you can have your own icon when you play in the arena.

Not only that, in fact Meteos offers so many secrets that you can not play the game after this repeatedly. There are games such as the background music from a variety of the planet. Various weapons (items) that you can Fusion (created). In short, you can play for hours just to get all the unlockables.

For those of you who may be addicted to this game, repeat this game repeatedly in the deluge mode (hold until you play the game over) may be felt campaigning. But for my own, just a week to play, understanding, and deepen (without the need to control) Meteos. After that? Meteos ROM missing from my DS.

My opinions 7
I'm not a puzzle game fans. Maybe that underlie the low ratings on Meteos. Many will remember that I actually quite like the various puzzles (Deluxe Zuma and enjoy, Tetri, and Puzzle Bubble anyone?). I put high expectations on Meteos. With such a review on the internet, I think I will get a game "the next generation Tetri" as a mention
Meteos is disappointed to make my expectations. According to me, this is a puzzle game with the audio-visual display, interesting and the gameplay is shallow. If the icon in this game a little more enlarged and speed reduced, may be Meteos game can be addictive like other puzzle games. It launched meteos to the opponent (especially if we are involved in the game wi-fi) to give the sensation of victory points. But it can not do the same compared with the sensation see beams in the Tetri long slide into the hole that you have done previously. Ah, that nostalgic feeling!

Summary: not too bad for me

Content Source: Meteos For Nintendo DS -

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence For Nintendo DS

Resident Evil: Deadly Silence For Nintendo DS

Advantages: Great sound and gameplay

Disadvantages: poor multiplayer mode

Graphics: (8 / 10)
DS can show the graph is quite good as the PS1 version of it. Ability graph DS better than PS1 Modeling visible in his character that consists of more polygons from the previous. You can see Jill or Chris, who face more rounded instead blocky. Pre rendered background is the same as PS1 version with some changes to be adjusted with a new puzzle. FMV Quality want to be the size of High Quality for the DS.
Not only that, Jill and Chris also have the zombie few additional new animation. Jill and Chris move more subtle and natural as people, unfortunately, still remain only ungainly like robots. Zombie is now added Dead Crimson Zombie moving more quickly than the usual zombie and some other new additions. Overall ability to acquire 3D DS enough exploitation in this game, although still below the standard DS.

Sound: (9 / 10)
Again ... same with PS1 version, except with a few changes in dialogue. Music is still exactly the same as the first class and eerie in some cases as well as sound effect, that details such as differences in sound character steps foot above the floor, wood or carpet. I give the value of 9 because of the surround sound can help you determine the location of enemy positions. DS sound capability is used very well in this game. Dialog is also clearly audible and not heard, such as compression.

Gameplay: (8 / 10)
Not many changes to gameplay in this game. You are still using the DS to play this game. There are 2 modes you can play: Rebirth mode and Classic mode. In Rebirth mode, some puzzles that require extra to use touch screen, the additional new 1st person Knife Battle at the time you meet the enemy.
Knife Battle is randomly appear in this mode so you will not ever know when to appear. In this mode you only use a knife to chop out the zombie, and dog hunter even the boss Giant Snake!
Touch screen features are also used in me manage the items that you get during the play. Microphone to help give CPR to Richard and also to some puzzles. Meanwhile, in Classic mode, you coverflow exactly like the original gameplay with more focus to the action of the puzzle as a rebirth.
How about the multiplayers? Well one of the attraction in buying this game is you can slaughter sentient creature, one of the results of this experiment rollicking with your friends. There are 2 modes, the competition and co-operative, in the competition you have to compete with who was out of the mansion and collect points and the most time. Co-operative that you work with your colleagues to solve puzzles, fight enemies together to be able to exit intact but with caution, health status of your share with colleagues so you have to really work together if you want to survival. Unfortunately you can not see the character of the players in this mode, only the other players described the move as a star in each of the players screen, limitations of the DS is still a constraint in this case, but who CARE anyway. This mode is not that great.
Fashion's most interesting here is the Master of Knifing, here for survival, you may also collect and score as many in-person 1st Battle mode.

Longetivity: (8 / 10)
Many of the Warlock can in this game. Finish every game in this fashion to open a secret character in multiplayer. The duration of time needed to complete the game in this fashion each about 3 to 4 hours. If you are already familiar and knows the direction of the road, also 1 hour is enough. You can also get the Rocket Launcher and new clothes to change the mode in the Rebirth and Classic mode. There are 6 to 9 ending that you can see depends on how you coverflow. Master of Knifing fashion enough to make you addicted to try to continue to achieve the score possible. Point additional replay value in this is a multiplayer game that played quite well together.

My Opinions (8 / 10)
TRUE to the game Resident Evil portable, this is a good result. Controlling play this game in the DS as you get used to. Nintendo DS features unique to the game just kind of RE. What is worth or not to buy this new game? My suggestion ... wait a second goods. But if you want to Resident Evil, which can be taken to every where like me, I think this is worth to buy.

Summary: great game

Content Source: Resident Evil: Deadly Silence For Nintendo DS -

Ridge Racer For PSP

Ridge Racer For PSP

The first match I ever played on ps1 was Ridge Racer - I loved the "drift" style of the great races and Soundtrack! Fast forward 10 years - and Ridge Racer is available for a brand new PSP handheld.

In Fact, this game is visually stunning. it's crazy fun! In the rush you get past muscling all the other cars to win a really difficult race and appear to advocate for one of the "World Tour" is umatched circuits in the second game! The adrenaline flows like your engine noise, music pumps, you fly above the goal as the announcer Rushing, "great BABY!" This game is nirvana race ... on the PDA, not less.

It has a lot of unlocks available in the game, too - new cars, upgrades, songs, special vehicles, a new kinematics. This holds for you, something many hours of play - and if you're bored, hook up to 8 friends competing for wireless games.

The graphics are a little short on PS2 quality, and the framerate never dips below the buttery smooth. Wide aspect screen on the PSP seems more fun to watch your car flying around a detailed songs with sunsets, sunrises, airplanes overhead ...

In My opinions this is what I call the race game. This is what Need for Speed had to do. good sound, great grahics and fun way race. That does not mean that the milkrun, you serous concentration become number one. but cars, tracks, etc., it's all worth the trip. To find this a lot. WipEout advantage over the WipEout error is usually fatal, here you have a chance, if the error was not severe. But some traces can be forgiven.

Content Source: Ridge Racer For PSP -

Daxter For PSP

Daxter For PSP

Daxter is hands down the best PSP-to-date offers. Some critics of the system May I think that it is a great compliment, they should also admit that this title is high quality, offer a range of new capabilities for the system.
As for the graphics, it is safe to say that this is the best game ever developed manually. Not only extensive use of color and shading Shots look more visually impressive, but it's not visible with the slowdown, and all the seamless movement of nature. Luke City looks equally good as the PSP, because in every console version of the series.

The sound is great. Music and dialogue are of high quality with professional voice actors are used. Max CASSELLA of Doogie Houser voice, the title character, a less known talent also gives a great performance. May sound effects are of high quality and perfectly synchronized with the action, sometimes rare, even for a game console.
The controls are very sensitive, and the camera is running in this game than in any other PSP offers. In case of difficulties in implementing the jump may be related to the platform gameplay, and not as a result of poor depth perception or the angle of the camera.

The gameplay is also perfectly executed. The platform was level at times challenging, but they are well designed. Infinite life and frequent checkpoints relieve frustration many gamers suffering during platformers. And the gameplay is more like Jak and Daxter: The precursor Legacy of the last two (or three if you count Jak X) episodes of the series, and uses a similar platform and aspects of the race.

The long single-player campaign, complete with a ridiculous dream sequence of mini-games based on popular movies (such as Matrix and Indiana Jones), to give gamers a good deal for their money. The fact that different areas levels can be accessed with the skills acquired during the game he is worthwhile to renegotiate all areas of the game, which makes it a lot of value again.

The only parts of games I did not enjoy absolute are choosing mini-games and challenges that require timed button (think DDR) filled. However, parts of these games are designed and expertise that it would be unfair of me to knock developers to perfectly executed aspects of the game that are not only my personal preferences.

In my opinions, this is a title for your own sea anyone who possesses the PSP. Even if this is not your favorite personal style of game, all gamers have long developers for raising bar for all future PSP titles. This game really shows what the Sony portable system is able, should stimulate a lot of quality titles in the future.

Content Source: Daxter For PSP -

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror For PSP

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror For PSP

This gameplay is really great, you use both stealth and brute force, depending on the situation. Some areas require a little sneaking around to avoid detection, while in other areas you need to collect May through BLASTING bad if you have time, because the bomb counting very quickly. Your choice of weapons plays a major role players in the game, too. If you use gas dart May you be able to watch without attracting attention to the other. If you use explosive dart can fire on a group of guards, and then Detonate kill them all at  once. Order firing rate to automatic weapons can change the situation. You have to think before you act very much in this game, but not to the point where the game and Tricky.

There are several ways the game. The story of waiting for you to work your way through all levels. Completed levels can be displayed mission mode. Here you can try to make the various statistics in an attempt to provide additional equipment and weapons. Completion levels use different tactics you get more points in different areas. In the extras to gain by doing this can be used during the game. This is very useful in multi-player mode. Both ad-hoc and infrastructure support, but the more weapons, you must choose before they start, the better the chances for victory. The fashion show infrastructures for me, except occasionally pause, wait for the host or something, and then go. This did not happen, but very often is annoying that he did. It's just as much fun as well as in multi-player SOCOM Fire Team Bravo, but it looks better.

The sound is also excellent. The music is attractive, shooting is pretty good, healthy and explosive explosion. It is better to the headset or speakers for a decent, but it still sounds good PSP with built in the dinky speakers.

The cut scenes show the graphics and sound better than any other PSP game I have played so far. They were really nice and fun to play, instead of just nice, but a little boring as in some other games.

Content Source: Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror For PSP -

Tekken: Dark Resurrection For PSP

Tekken: Dark Resurrection For PSP

This one of best popular game in PSP. It does so many things that many other PSP games get wrong. the loading times are a blessing. Where smack down is only 10 seconds to load-up screen, Tekken DR loads each match within 4.6 seconds. Combine this with lush graphics, which really shows the PSP's technical capabilities, and it makes all other PSP games loading time seemed unforgivable.

Another thing is right is that the game brilliantly. Each character, the old and new, solid and liquid struggle with and against. The only problem is that while diagonals are quite difficult to download at the beginning, but soon half of nature.

Therefore, it is technically accomplished, it looks great, great game. What can you do to be even better? Chuck in the stacks of ways to keep you playing for weeks, or months. The Dojo mode is brilliant, the struggle for supremacy ranking in various Dojo. And if you've had to fill in for upgrading your all 35 characters' ranks and titles, can compete online against ghosts. Instead of online, you can play against the artificial profile of someone you can download over the Internet. It also works brilliantly, and you'll become obsessed with making your character almost unstoppable.

Tekken is far one of the best titles for the PSP. Any error of your PSP games are almost non-existent and what you get is the same challenging and entertaining sites you know and love. It does not get any better than that.

Content Source: Tekken: Dark Resurrection For PSP -

MegaMan: Powered Up For PSP

MegaMan: Powered Up For PlayStation Portable

Mega Man Powered Up remains faithful to the original story and gameplay are perfectly replicated, but with updated graphics, sound and ability.

Graphic style is perfect, although it has little or no Cutscenes. On the checks, based on the original NES buttons methods were flawless. Although this is not necessarily difficult for developers that is very appreciated. What is striking about the gameplay is powered up. The drug addict is the same gun / platform game in the style that the original classic. Gamers who played the original will feel at home at the controls during awed by the new visual style. Gamers who never played a Mega Man title before you can easily pick up and enjoy one of the greatest 2D action games in history.

The game is a little too much, as you well. Difficulties with three different settings and the ability to play through the game as the defeated all their opponents, gamers can create a lot of different actions. The ability to design and create their own level is brilliant and ensure genuine fans with almost unlimited hours of play.
This is a game that anyone can reasonably expect, and that can be enjoyed in 5.10 meetings. Both aspects make for a smooth transition from console to hand. This game is better as a portable title than ever as the game console.

Gamer can not go wrong buying or renting this title for the PSP. In older gamers get a dose of nostalgia, while newer gamers will be introduced for large 2D action franchise. Some of the price you believe that this is not a good title. In my opinions, this is one of the best PSP games in the library, it's simply too much, too.

Content Source: MegaMan: Powered Up For PlayStation Portable -

Virtua Tennis: World Tour for PSP

Virtua Tennis: World Tour for PSP

Virtua Tennis on the PSP is really great game. There are many elements that are contained in the game Top Spin (which is my favorite game of all time tennis), but the game did not put as Top Spin, or Virtua Tennis on the Dreamcast. Well, the game has a good idea and executed pretty well, mini-games are boring and consistent loading make the character customization is not much fun.

The graphics spoke Virtua Tennis looks great for the PSP. All of this seems like a good anyting you can find on consoles, but it is still very good. The service is quite good, I think does not have a lot to play tennis. The worst thing about the checks is that sometimes when running the ball for analog core it can be to answer yes or not enough.

One of the places that Virtua Tennis falls flat in the Carrera Mode. In this way, you order and you can only compete in tournaments that are ranked in the same people as you. At first every tournament is only two games long, so it really does not get much in practice, and they are far and few between for the longest time. Between these times you are supposed to play through the mini-games, with the exception of a few, it seems almost impossible. This is really the only way you can get to your stats, so it's kind, a bummer.

In addition, Virtua Tennis on the PSP is on the whole a good tennis game, which in my opinion seems to be something missing depth. If you have tennis on the way to all means pick this game up, but if you do not take away from the Top Spin, were much better play. This is really great tennis game for me..

Content Source: Virtua Tennis: World Tour for PSP -


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